Case Study Interview: From Teaching to the Tech Industry

Michelle V.

“Executive coaching is for anyone who is looking to make actionable progress towards their goals, at any point in their life! Just do it and thank yourself later for making an investment in YOU!”


Transitioning from one industry to another can be challenging to do and can often feel intimidating. One of our clients, Michelle, was at a pivotal moment in her career as she made a difficult decision to move away from teaching and explore other career opportunities.

We conducted a deep dive interview with Michelle to gain her perspective on the coaching process, tools and exercises she found helpful, and the benefits of having a coach during this critical moment in her life and career.

Can you share a bit about your career journey and what led you to consider a career pivot?

Michelle: I had been working in education for about eight years and was feeling stuck, unhappy, and anxious. I had spent so much of my life dreaming about my goal of becoming a teacher, it felt foreign to me to not be enjoying what I had thought I wanted for such a long time. Over the years I had many highs and lows, but ultimately it felt like I was trying to put a puzzle piece into a spot that just didn't fit. I didn't have a good work-life balance, I was anxious all weekend about returning to work on the following Monday, and I felt unhappy about complying with aspects of the educational system that felt contrary to my authentic self. I began to seriously consider making the pivot back in late winter of 2023/early spring of 2024.

What motivated you to seek out executive coaching during this transition?

Michelle: I was talking with one of my close friends about my experience and feelings related to my teaching career, expressing how I was considering making changes but was confused on where to start. My friend was in the process of working with an executive coach at the time and expressed how she thought I would benefit from this connection as well. I was very interested and excited by this opportunity, and I asked her if she would be able to put me in touch with the executive coach that she was working with! Hearing all the benefits that she had experienced made me very optimistic and excited to begin my own journey working with Dar as my executive coach.

How did you identify the new industry or role you wanted to pivot into?

Michelle: I was able to pinpoint the roles I wanted to pivot into through the work I did with my executive coach Dar.

We first began by doing exercises which helped me to identify my core values; for example, I value my family, friendships, and honesty. I wanted to find a role which allowed me the time and schedule to enjoy my loved ones outside of work hours, with a healthy work/life balance. I also wanted to be in a role where I didn't feel that I was compromising my values - my educator role in a special education classroom often put me into positions where I felt like I was being placed in the middle between what was best for students and families and what was best for the school district.

With Dar's guidance, I also began to engage in many self-reflective practices such as journaling and meditation. I learned so much about myself through these practices and they are essential to my daily life and routines now. I began envisioning my life in a new role, how it would look and feel. I also journaled about the skills that I have attained throughout my career and brainstormed how I could use these skills in a new role. Utilizing these exercises, I decided I wanted to look for roles that would allow me to use my interpersonal skills, organization, and time/people management skills. I looked for many customer support and learning and development positions as a result.

How did coaching help you throughout this career pivot process?

Michelle: Through coaching I was able to learn more about myself, my values, and envision my ideal life. I gained more confidence in myself and my ability to go after what I want, without feeling "helpless" or "stuck." It gave me the power to realize that I am capable of making great changes in my life and that life is best lived when you're becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable. It is not always easy, and progress isn't always linear, but it is important to recognize how far you have come.

What specific strategies or tools from the coaching sessions did you find most impactful?

Michelle: The most impactful strategies and tools that I have learned throughout my coaching sessions were based more on mindfulness and becoming connected with myself and my vision of what I want to create in this life. I learned and now continue to practice daily journaling, meditation, and breathwork. The breathwork especially has been something heavily impactful on my life! Learning to take a breath and recognize that emotions are fleeting - I can acknowledge how I am feeling and then let that go, has been incredibly powerful. It has not just impacted my career through job hunting and interviewing, but it has also greatly impacted and improved my relationships with others and my relationship with myself.

Were there any significant mindset shifts that the coaching helped you achieve?

Michelle: The greatest mindset shift that I experienced was realizing that I have the power to make incredible changes in my life. Instead of feeling like things were just "happening" to me, it gave me the confidence, power, and awakening to recognize that I am the sole person in control of my life, and I have the tools to make the changes happen.

How did the coaching help you in preparing for job interviews or networking in a new industry?

Michelle: Coming out of the field of education it felt overwhelming to consider job interview preparation and networking. While there are some similarities in these processes, there were many differences in education. Something even so simple as creating a LinkedIn for networking and job hunting!! Many of the educators that I worked with did not have a LinkedIn; we primarily used a separate platform for job hunting called "School Spring." My executive coach Dar was incredible at explaining the benefits of these new networking platforms and she also helped me learn some of the social "norms" of utilizing these platforms to connect with others. In terms of preparing for job interviews, Dar worked with me to help me develop my ability to share my story with others in an interview setting. I learned so much about how a job interview is not just about the job looking to see if I am a fit, but also an opportunity for me to learn more about the job and company to see if they are a good fit for me. This is not a mindset that I had before executive coaching - it was a complete game changer for me to develop this throughout our sessions.

What were the biggest challenges you faced during this career transition?

Michelle: The biggest challenges I faced during this transition were the emotions surrounding change and the uncertainty of the unknown. Working as an educator, I felt initial pressure to find something quick so that I didn't feel "stuck" going back to education in the Fall if I didn't find something. Through executive coaching, I gained the confidence in myself to trust my journey and that it was all going to work out. I developed a plan to bring in supplemental income in the meantime so that I would be able focus on my career transition without placing pressure on myself to find something that didn't fit my lifestyle just to find a new job, or to return to education because I felt like I had "failed."

Can you share a moment when you felt uncertain about the pivot? How did you overcome that doubt?

Michelle: The moment that first comes to mind would be the moment leading up to me giving my notice to my school that I would not be returning. It was the week of my wedding, and the decision had been weighing on me heavily as I would be going on my honeymoon for two weeks and not returning home until the beginning of August. I knew that I wanted to ensure the district had enough time to fill my position; it was important to me that my decision did not provide an opportunity for the students and families to become affected, although I know it ultimately is the responsibility of the district and not on my shoulders. While I had previously felt confident in my choice to leave, I became very emotional about the thought of making it concrete and final. I had been teaching for so long and giving my notice made it official that I was pivoting. To overcome this doubt, I reminded myself of why I decided to make this pivot, and I encouraged myself to continue to invest in myself and my happiness by taking actionable steps towards my goals. I utilized some breathwork techniques to calm my body, and I completed a meditation session to center myself, acknowledge my emotions, and move forward.

What successes or breakthroughs have you experienced as a result of the coaching and career pivot?

Michelle: I have had breakthroughs in my relationship with myself - believing in myself, growing my confidence, and learning to love myself and be kind to myself and provide the grace that I provide to others. I also was successful at pivoting my career and accepted an offer for a position working in customer success at a software company that greatly aligns with my values!

How did you approach your job search after deciding on the career pivot?

Michelle: After deciding on the career pivot, I had to approach my job search analytically. I reviewed my resume and made edits so that I was describing my skills and abilities in a way that was understood and appealed to non-educational companies and businesses. I realized that most of my resume was written in education jargon and lingo that would be misunderstood by people unfamiliar with the profession. Additionally, I created a LinkedIn and worked on identifying potential roles and networking with others to learn more about these roles. I also practiced answering some difficult job interview questions with my executive coach, to gain confidence and insight into the most effective way to share my story with potential employers.

What role did networking, personal branding, or LinkedIn play in your job search?

Michelle: LinkedIn allowed me the space to search for jobs based on the position(s) that I was seeking, and it also allowed me the opportunity to reach out to seek making connections to learn more about specific roles and positions.

Now that you’ve landed your new role, how do you feel about your career pivot?

Michelle: I am incredibly excited for this new chapter of my life! I am excited to make new connections in my role, and to continue to build upon previously acquired skills and learn new ones. I feel confident in myself and my abilities; I am excited to utilize my skills in a new setting! I am unbelievably happy that I continued to keep faith, even when it felt difficult, and that I worked hard to take actionable steps to make a difference in my life.

What advice would you give to others considering a career change, especially in relation to working with an executive coach?

Michelle: If you are considering it, don't be afraid to make your dreams become a reality. I highly recommend working with an executive coach to achieve these goals. I learned so much about myself throughout the process, as well as invaluable strategies and tools that guided me through the job search process. Executive coaching is for anyone who is looking to make actionable progress towards their goals, at any point in their life! Just do it and thank yourself later for making an investment in YOU!

How do you plan to continue using the skills or strategies you developed during coaching in your new job?

Michelle: I plan to continue to use the strategies I've learned as a part of my everyday habits and routines. I complete my journaling and meditation each morning, and I practice breathwork at different points throughout the day, in addition to in-the-moment practice of this skill. I also have been lucky to be able to begin completing a new career course aimed towards acclimating to a new position. I am excited to begin my work on this!

What are your long-term career goals now that you’ve successfully transitioned into a new industry?

Michelle: One of my short-term goals is to become acclimated to the expectations of me in my new position, as well as to develop positive working relationships with my new team members and colleagues. Thinking long-term, I would love to be able to learn and grow in this new industry. I am hoping that by beginning in customer support I will be able to develop the software product knowledge necessary to transition to a role based in learning and development.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Michelle: I am incredibly grateful for my experience working with my executive coach Dar! This has been an eye-opening, life changing experience and I am so glad that I made an investment in myself.


Michelle's journey highlights the importance of self-reflection, mindfulness, and a values-driven approach in achieving career success. We are so excited for Michelle’s new chapter and we know she will thrive in a new job that is much more aligned with her values and her lifestyle. For those considering a career change, investing in executive coaching can provide clarity and confidence throughout the process.

Are you considering a career pivot? Contact Little Pursuits to explore how executive coaching can help you navigate your transition with confidence.

Dar Patel

As the Founder, Executive Coach, and Author of Little Pursuits, I bring forth a blend of academic credentials, holding a BA in Psychology and an MBA, coupled with over 12 years of versatile experience spanning consulting, technology, and financial services. My dedication to coaching is deeply rooted in my desire to guide clients on their growth trajectory, leveraging my comprehensive expertise. My approach is characterized by a commitment to ongoing learning, integrating insights from cutting-edge neuroscience research to deliver customized and effective coaching solutions tailored to diverse corporate contexts.

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