What to Expect From a Coaching Session?

“Trust the creative process. You are a walking, breathing mass of possibilities and potential.” – Donna Goddard

No matter how excited we are about embarking on a new adventure, we have to accept the uncertainty and fears that we may experience as we begin the journey through the path. We have to learn to trust the process. Coaching also requires trusting the process. When we start a coaching engagement, we may not have all the answers - in fact, that may be a reason to engage with a coach in the first place. But the creative and thought-provoking process of coaching helps us to uncover solutions, possibilities we may have missed otherwise, and to embrace the new path we are pursuing. So what exactly should one expect in a coaching session? In the Little Pursuits Coaching sessions, we will explore topics of your choice, narrow down solutions that work best for you, commit to an action plan, and reflect on the progress you are making or not making on goals that are important to you.

Environment for Exploration

In the work environment, there are few places that you can have an open, honest, and vulnerable conversation. Our coaching sessions create a confidential, non-judgment, and safe environment to share whatever you may want to share. Sometimes you just need to vent, other times you actually want to dig deeper into an issue or topic that has prevent your progress. And yet, some other times it’s about slowing down and finding better balance in your work and life. Whatever the topic, our coach is your guide that will help you to explore the topic further through different coaching techniques. You may even come to a coaching session without a topic in mind, but your coach will help you to explore various aspects of your work and life to help uncover a topic that is of interest to you to discuss. This is a truly creative process in which you can examine a topic from many different vantage points.

Creation of Solutions

As it becomes clear what the true cause, issue, or desire, it also becomes easier to list out potential solutions and next steps we could take to address it in an effective way. Exploring the issue and then potential solutions gives us a clear idea of our options and helps us to see that we are not truly stuck. This revelation can help drive our motivation to exploring different solutions to see how each might play out and then find a clear path forward.

Commitment to Actions

While it is important to find solutions, it is equally important to commit to an action plan and next steps. As we build our action plan, we also consider how we will hold ourselves accountable for the actions we are committed to taking. This can mean having an accountability partner, a calendar reminder to complete the action, or an email sent to yourself to complete the action. The method should be one that really helps you to hold yourself accountable to completing the action, this is how we make sure we take the actions we want to take and make progress towards our goals, who we want to become, and the life we want to create.

Progress Tracking & Reflection

As we continue in the coaching journey, we will begin our sessions with the reflection of what has happened between the last session and this session. This reflection is important so that we can make sure that we are taking the actions we commit to taking and we can see what’s working and what we may need to explore further. After each session, we expect our clients to fill out a quick reflection, this helps our client to find clarity on what they are taking away from the session and how our coach is helping them in their journey. This is a critical part of the process as it creates a pause to reflect and cements our discoveries.


In this post, we shared about coaching method and process. Coaching is a journey of exploration, each session can look and feel different depending on the topic and your goals. However, with each session, we want to guide you in evoking insights that you may not have had before and to find clarity on the next steps you want to take. Embrace the journey and not just the destination, as we learn more on the journey to our goal than simply by achieving it.

Learn more about the Little Pursuits Coaching Method and the Benefits of Executive Coaching.


Dar Patel

As the Founder, Executive Coach, and Author of Little Pursuits, I bring forth a blend of academic credentials, holding a BA in Psychology and an MBA, coupled with over 12 years of versatile experience spanning consulting, technology, and financial services. My dedication to coaching is deeply rooted in my desire to guide clients on their growth trajectory, leveraging my comprehensive expertise. My approach is characterized by a commitment to ongoing learning, integrating insights from cutting-edge neuroscience research to deliver customized and effective coaching solutions tailored to diverse corporate contexts.


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