Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve have questions, we have the answers.

  • During the introductory call, we want to get to know you. We want to learn where you are today and where you hope to be in the future. We also want to help to cover the coaching process and the recommended package for the changes you would like to make.

  • Some topics our clients have covered in their sessions include:

    • Leaders wanting to pivot to a new career

    • High achievers discuss wanting to start a new company

    • Discussing daily habits or mindsets that hold them back

    • CEOs have discussed the lack of a clear strategy or vision for their company

    • CEOs that wanted to improve engagement with their teams and improve collaboration / culture

    • Managers discuss delegation, communication, how to conduct 1:1 for impact, giving constructive feedback, strategy planning, coordination, process optimization, collaboration, and so many other topics.

    • Executives discuss cross functional collaboration, strategic communication, how to setup their teams for success during change, delivering difficult news or constructive feedback, efficiencies in processes, and so much more.

    These are just some examples of the topics we frequency help our clients address.

  • You do not need to have a clear idea of what you would like to get out of the session. Sometimes just discussing where you currently are can help you to figure out what items you want to change.

    Often, we have clients that come to sessions thinking they want to resolve one issue or make a decision on specific topics, but we discover together that the actual blocker is something different than what we originally thought such as the fear of change holding them back from executing towards a goal.

  • The initial session we will have needs no preparation. Just an open mind and for you to try something new!

    As we progress, each session concludes with you coming up with an action plan that aligns with your goals. Then next session, we will start by checking in on how the action item went and lessons that were learned.

    If you do not have a topic in mind for the session, we can explore together.

  • Coaching services are sometimes covered by employer benefits through employee development or through insurance services such as FSA/HSA. Please check with your employer and insurance for details and confirmation.

  • You can always email us or text us! We will do our best to respond within 24-48 hours. It is always best to cover deeper topics during our sessions, but if there’s a quick question you have or you need some support urgently, we are always here to support you!